Why choose ROI | ROI at Work
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Benefits & Compensation

Diversity & Inclusion

Employee Communications

Employee Relations

Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

Job Analysis

Labor & Union Negotiations

Leadership Development

Manpower Planning


Organizational Development

Performance Management




Succession Planning

Talent Development

Training & Development
Pay Analysis
People problems


I am you! I grew up in Florence, MT. My parents have been self-employed in Montana for 25+ years and I have worked in the family welding business as their HR specialist. I have owned my own businesses. I have also traveled, worked for large Fortune 100 companies, small Montana businesses, and I utilize this experience to help your business succeed. I know the difficulties that Montana business owners face in regulations, politics, employee shortages, and everything in between. 


Over 20 years of experience developing businesses and their employees from inception to growth into a large business. I can guide you through design, start-up, IT solutions, process improvement, employee management, safety programs,  marketing, simple web-design, government contracting and so much more.


As my business name states, I believe in providing you with a Return on Investment in your work. I do not try to sell you more services than you need to grow and maintain your business and the right employees for your goals. I believe in providing you with the right tools at the right time. I offer full-service consulting, short-term advising, or Do-It-Yourself (DIY) tools.


Why choose ROI?

This scrappy, little outfit gets shit working so you see a return on your employee investments. No unnecessary fluff!


Your employees are an investment and you should be seeing a profit from their work, however, this is difficult to do because you are a specialist in your business not in employees. I am a specialist in employees and everything that goes with employing people to help you be successful. Let me take the difficult work of employment issues off of your plate so you can return to what you are good at - your business and your products!


There is no shame in seeking specialized help with employees just as you would with an accountant for finances or an electrician for lighting in your facility. Don't let your business fall to ruins because you did not have an expert helping you and your employees.

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